Services & Techniques

Neuro–Tonal Adjustments  ( low force) 


     If you have been to a chiropractor before, chances are that the Practice Wellbeing Chiropractic experience is different. We understand the importance of chiropractic care for the whole family in order to create an ideal thriving environment. Our office focuses on a specific type of chiropractic that involves gentle, low force contacts called Neuro-Tonal adjustments.  Unlike traditional chiropractic, our focus is on the tone of the spinal cord and nervous system. 


Repetitive  Stress gets "stuck on" the Nervous System - increases tone/tension on the system and prevents it from adapting

Neuro-tonal chiropractic looks for the underlying tension in the spinal cord/nervous system (subluxations or neuro-spinal shifts). These shifts occur when your body has trouble adapting to stress: physical, mental, or chemical-which leads to increased tone/tension in the body. The stress becomes “stuck on” the nervous system and creates imbalances between the “fight or flight” (sympathetic) nervous system and the “rest, digest and immune” (parasympathetic) nervous system. Simply put: subluxation is stress "stuck on" the nervous system. Early on, these imbalances/subluxations may go unnoticed but over time they often present themselves as symptoms or secondary conditions. Neuro-tonal adjustments can remove those subluxations/shifts, regulate tone/tension in the body while balancing the nervous system.

Daily stressors (Physical, Mental/Emotional or Chemical) cause subluxations or neurological shifts which creates an imbalance in the nervous system.  This imbalance in the nervous system over time weakens muscles, organs, glands and systems of the body- setting the stage for sickness and disorders of all kinds. Once these foundational issues/subluxations are corrected, allowed to stabilize, balance and heal, many secondary conditions (commonly referred to as “symptoms”) resolve naturally.

 Again, subluxation is abnormal tone (or tension) in the spinal cord and nervous system.  A subluxation effects the  ability of the brain and nerves  to function and communicate, which ultimately adversely effects every body system.  When a subluxation is present, it disrupts the sensory messages sent into the spinal cord, brainstem and most importantly up to the brain. This abnormal sensory input into the brain leads to abnormal motor output to the rest of the body -"noise in, noise out." This leads to dysfunction, secondary conditions (also called "symptoms") and dis-ease in the body.    


The dural tube is a "skin" that surrounds our spinal cord and brain. It runs through the opening within our vertebrae, and ends at the sacrum (triangular bone at bottom). In the drawing , note the twist in the dural tube on the left (like twisting a towel to ring it out -photo) creating abnormal tone/tension-a state of being "wound up."       

At PWBChiropractic we address the cause/subluxation (neuro spinal shift) and through gentle, low force neuro-tonal adjustments, the nervous system is re-balanced or "un-wound" so it will be clear of any obstructions. This allows the body to communicate naturally and  innately adapt to daily stress. With a nervous system free from obstruction, the potentials and possibilities of your life are endless. 


When a subluxation (neuro spinal shift) is present, it disrupts the spinal nerves, spinal cord and most importantly the brain. Disruption causes decreased function of the nervous system which leads to dysfunction, disorder, and dis-ease in the body, presenting as symptoms or secondary conditions. The reason they are referred to as secondary conditions is because they are the direct result of the true underlying cause of dis-ease within the body - a subluxation.

Below are some of the most common secondary conditions for which people seek our help:

 *Acid Reflux  *ADD/ADHD  *Allergies  *Anxiety  *Asthma *Autism  *'Bed Wetting  *Behavioral Issues"

 *Breastfeeding Issues  *Breech Baby  *Chronic Fatigue *Colic  *Constipation  *Cranial Issues  *Depression *Digestive Disorders  

*Frequent Colds  *Headaches *High Blood Pressure  *Decreased Immune Function  *Infertility  

*Insomnia  *Learning Disorders  *Low Back pain  *Menstrual Disorders  *Migraine Headaches  *Multiple Sclerosis    

*Otitis Media (Ear infection)  *Sciatica  *Scoliosis  *Seizure Disorders  *Sensory Processing Disorder  *Sinus Problems  

*TMJ  *Torticollis  *Vertigo  

 It is important to point out that chiropractic is NOT a treatment for any disease or condition. The purpose is to restore normal nervous system function. By removing the obstruction to the nervous system the body is able to fully express the innate intelligence that heals. 

Choosing the right chiropractic office for your family's health  is an important decision that is based on rapport, trust and expertise. With over 30 years experience, Dr. Anthony is happy to discuss if PWBChiropractic is the right fit for you and your family. Contact our office to speak to one of our Care Advocates to schedule a 2 part-consultation with Dr. Anthony.  We hope to meet you soon ! 


Long Island, New York Office


Office Adjusting Hours

Please Call or Text for New Patient Consultation Hours at (631) 226 - 4650

Practice Wellbeing


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 5:45 pm


Closed Special Appts Only


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 5:45 pm


Closed Special Appts Only


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Every Other - Extended Afternoon Hours


Every Other 8:00 to 9:45

Every Other 8:00 to 11:00

